vaginal bleeding

Any bloody vaginal discharge (pink, red, or brown) that requires the use of sanitary protection (pads, cloths, or tampons). Different vaginal bleeding patterns include:

- amenorrhea No bleeding at all at expected bleeding times.

- breakthrough bleeding Any bleeding outside of expected bleeding times (i.e., outside of regular monthly bleeding) that requires use of sanitary protection.

- heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) Bleeding that is twice as heavy as a woman’s usual bleeding.

- infrequent bleeding Fewer than 2 bleeding episodes over 3 months.

- irregular bleeding Spotting and/or breakthrough bleeding that occurs outside of expected bleeding times (i.e., outside of regular monthly bleeding).

- menstrual bleeding, monthly bleeding. Bleeding that takes place, on average, for 3–7 days about every 28 days.

- prolonged bleeding Bleeding that lasts longer than 8 days.

- spotting Any bloody vaginal discharge outside of expected bleeding times that requires no sanitary protection.

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