Chapter 12
Side Effects, Health Benefits, Health Risks, and Complications
Side Effects
Known Health Benefits |
Known Health Risks |
Help protect against:
May help protect against:
Uncommon to extremely rare:
Complications of Surgery (see also Managing Any Problems)
Uncommon to extremely rare:
- Female sterilization is a safe method of contraception. It requires surgery and anesthesia, however. Like other minor surgeries, female sterilization carries some risks, such as infection or abscess of the wound. Serious complications are uncommon. Death, due to the procedure or anesthesia, is extremely rare.
- The risk of complications with local anesthesia, with or without sedation and analgesia, is signicantly lower than with general anesthesia. Complications can be kept to a minimum if appropriate techniques are used and if the procedure is performed in an appropriate setting by a skilled provider.