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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Contraceptive Effectiveness

Rates of Unintended Pregnancies per 100 Women


Very effective
Moderately effective
Less effective
  First-Year Pregnancy Rates (Trussella) 12-month Pregnancy Rates (Cleland & Alib)
Family planning method Consistent and correct use As commonly used As commonly used
Implants 0.05 0.05  
Vasectomy 0.1 0.15  
Levonorgestrel IUD 0.2 0.2  
Female sterilization 0.5 0.5  
Copper-bearing IUD 0.6 0.8 2
LAM (for 6 months) 0.9c 2c  
Monthly injectables 0.05 3  
Progestin-only injectables 0.3 3 2
Combined oral contraceptives 0.3 8 7
Progestin-only oral pills 0.3 8  
Combined patch 0.3 8  
Combined vaginal ring 0.3 8  
Male condoms 2 15 10
Ovulation method 3    
TwoDay Method 4    
Standard Days Method 5    
Diaphragms with spermicide 6 16  
Female condoms 5 21  
Other fertility awareness methods   25 24
Withdrawal 4 27 21
Spermicides 18 29  
Cervical caps 26d, 9e 32d,16e  
No method 85 85 85

a Rates largely from the United States. Source: Trussell J. Contraceptive efficacy. In: Hatcher R et al., editors. Contraceptive technology. 19th revised ed. 2007. Rates for monthly injectables and cervical cap are from Trussell J. Contraceptive failure in the United States. Contraception. 2004;70(2): 89—96.

b Rates from developing countries. Source: Cleland J and Ali MM. Reproductive consequences of contraceptive failure in 19 developing countries. Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2004;104(2): 314—320.

c Rate for consistent and correct use of LAM is a weighted average from 4 clinical studies cited in Trussell (2007). Rate for LAM as commonly used is from Kennedy KI et al. Consensus statement: Lactational amenorrhea method for family planning. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 1996;54(1): 55—57.

d Pregnancy rate for women who have given birth

e Pregnancy rate for women who have never given birth