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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Correcting Misunderstandings (see also Questions and Answers)

  • Does not make women weak.
  • Does not cause lasting pain in back, uterus, or abdomen.
  • Does not remove a woman's uterus or lead to a need to have it removed.
  • Does not cause hormonal imbalances.
  • Does not cause heavier bleeding or irregular bleeding or otherwise change women's menstrual cycles.
  • Does not cause any changes in weight, appetite, or appearance.
  • Does not change women's sexual behavior or sex drive.
  • Substantially reduces the risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Why Some Women Say They Like Female Sterilization
  • Has no side effects
  • No need to worry about contraception again
  • Is easy to use, nothing to do or remember

Faces of different women