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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


"Come Back Any Time": Reasons to Return

Assure every client that she is welcome to come back any time—for example, if she has problems or questions, or she thinks she might be pregnant. (A few sterilizations fail and the woman becomes pregnant.) Also if:

  • She has bleeding, pain, pus, heat, swelling, or redness of the wound that becomes worse or does not go away
  • She develops high fever (greater than 38° C/101° F)
  • She experiences fainting, persistent light-headedness, or extreme dizziness in the first 4 weeks and especially in the first week

General health advice: Anyone who suddenly feels that something is seriously wrong with her health should immediately seek medical care from a nurse or doctor. Her contraceptive method is most likely not the cause of the condition, but she should tell the nurse or doctor what method she is using.