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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Faces of different men

Ensuring Informed Choice

IMPORTANT: A friendly counselor who listens to a man's concerns, answers his questions, and gives clear, practical information about the procedure—especially its permanence—will help a man make an informed choice and be a successful and satisfied user, without later regret (see Female Sterilization, Because Sterilization Is Permanent). Involving his partner in counseling can be helpful but is not required.

The 6 Points of Informed Consent

Counseling must cover all 6 points of informed consent. In some programs the client and the counselor sign an informed consent form. To give informed consent to vasectomy, the client must understand the following points:

  1. Temporary contraceptives also are available to the client.
  2. Voluntary vasectomy is a surgical procedure.
  3. There are certain risks of the procedure as well as benefits. (Both risks and benefits must be explained in a way that the client can understand.)
  4. If successful, the procedure will prevent the client from ever having any more children.
  5. The procedure is considered permanent and probably cannot be reversed.
  6. The client can decide against the procedure at any time before it takes place (without losing rights to other medical, health, or other services or benefits).