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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Who Can Have a Vasectomy

Safe for All Men

With proper counseling and informed consent, any man can have a vasectomy safely, including men who:

  • Have no children or few children
  • Are not married
  • Do not have wife's permission
  • Are young
  • Have sickle cell disease
  • Are at high risk of infection with HIV or another STI
  • Are infected with HIV, whether or not on antiretroviral therapy (see Vasectomy for Men with HIV).

In some of these situations, especially careful counseling is important to make sure the man will not regret his decision (see Female Sterilization, Because Sterilization Is Permanent).

Men can have a vasectomy:

  • Without any blood tests or routine laboratory tests
  • Without a blood pressure check
  • Without a hemoglobin test
  • Without a cholesterol or liver function check
  • Even if the semen cannot be examined by microscope later to see if still contains sperm.

Faces of different men