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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Man withdrawing from womanUsing Withdrawal

  • Can be used at any time.

Explaining How to Use

When the man feels close to ejaculating
  • He should withdraw his penis from the woman's vagina and ejaculate outside the vagina, keeping his semen away from her external genitalia.
If man has ejaculated recently
  • Before sex he should urinate and wipe the tip of his penis to remove any sperm remaining.

Giving Advice on Use

Learning proper use can take time
  • Suggest the couple also use another method until the man feels that he can use withdrawal correctly with every act of sex.
Greater protection from pregnancy is available
  • Suggest an additional or alternative family planning method. (Couples who have been using withdrawal effectively should not be discouraged from continuing.)
Some men may have difficulty using withdrawal
  • Men who cannot sense consistently when ejaculation is about to occur.
  • Men who ejaculate prematurely.
Can use emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)