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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Who Can Use the Lactational Amenorrhea Method


Medical Eligibility Criteria for the
Lactational Amenorrhea Method

All breastfeeding women can safely use LAM, but a woman in the following circumstances may want to consider other contraceptive methods:

  • Has HIV infection including AIDS (see The Lactational Amenorrhea Method for Women With HIV)
  • Is using certain medications during breastfeeding (including mood-altering drugs, reserpine, ergotamine, anti-metabolites, cyclosporine, high doses of corticosteroids, bromocriptine, radioactive drugs, lithium, and certain anticoagulants)
  • The newborn has a condition that makes it difficult to breastfeed (including being small-for-date or premature and needing intensive neonatal care, unable to digest food normally, or having deformities of the mouth, jaw, or palate)