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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


All Contraceptives Are Safe for Young People

Young people can safely use any contraceptive method.

  • Young women are often less tolerant of side effects than older women. With counseling, however, they will know what to expect and may be less likely to stop using their methods.
  • Unmarried young people may have more sex partners than older people and so may face a greater risk of STIs. Considering STI risk and how to reduce it is an important part of counseling.

For some contraceptive methods there are specific considerations for young people (see contraceptive method chapters for complete guidance):

Hormonal contraceptives (oral contraceptives, injectables, combined patch, combined vaginal ring, and implants)
  • Injectables and the combined ring can be used without others knowing.
  • Some young women find regular pill-taking particularly difficult.
Emergency contraceptive pills (ECPs)
  • Young women may have less control than older women over having sex and using contraception. They may need ECPs more often.
  • Provide young women with ECPs in advance, for use when needed. ECPs can be used whenever she has any unprotected sex, including sex against her will, or a contraceptive mistake has occurred.
Female sterilization and vasectomy
  • Provide with great caution. Young people and people with few or no children are among those most likely to regret sterilization.
Male and female condoms
  • Protect against both STIs and pregnancy, which many young people need.
  • Readily available, and they are affordable and convenient for occasional sex.
  • Young men may be less successful than older men at using condoms correctly. They may need practice putting condoms on.
Intrauterine device (copper-bearing and hormonal IUDs)
  • IUDs are more likely to come out among women who have not given birth because their uteruses are small.
Diaphragms, spermicides, and cervical caps
  • Although among the least effective methods, young women can control use of these methods, and they can be used as needed.
Fertility awareness methods
  • Until a young woman has regular menstrual cycles, fertility awareness methods should be used with caution.
  • Need a backup method or ECPs on hand in case abstinence fails.
  • Requires the man to know when he is about to ejaculate so he can withdraw in time. This may be difficult for some young men.
  • One of the least effective methods of pregnancy prevention, but it may be the only method available—and always available—for some young people.