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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Who Can and Cannot Use Monthly Injectables

Safe and Suitable for Nearly All Women

Nearly all women can use monthly injectables safely and effectively, including women who:

  • Have or have not had children
  • Are not married
  • Are of any age, including adolescents and women over 40 years old
  • Have just had an abortion or miscarriage
  • Smoke any number of cigarettes daily and are under 35 years old
  • Smoke fewer than 15 cigarettes daily and are over 35 years old
  • Have anemia now or had anemia in the past
  • Have varicose veins
  • Are infected with HIV, whether or not on antiretroviral therapy, unless that therapy includes ritonavir (see Monthly Injectables for Women With HIV, below)

Women can begin using monthly injectables:

  • Without a pelvic examination
  • Without any blood tests or other routine laboratory tests
  • Without cervical cancer screening
  • Without a breast examination
  • Even when a woman is not having monthly bleeding at the time, if it is reasonably certain she is not pregnant (see Pregnancy Checklist)
Monthly Injectables for Women With HIV
  • Women can safely use monthly injectables even if they are infected with HIV, have AIDS, or are on antiretroviral (ARV) therapy unless their therapy includes ritonavir. Ritonavir may reduce the effectiveness of monthly injectables. (See Medical Eligibility Criteria, p. 330.)
  • Urge these women to use condoms along with monthly injectables. Used consistently and correctly, condoms help prevent transmission of HIV and other STIs. Condoms also provide extra contraceptive protection for women on ARV therapy.