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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Comparing Effectiveness of Family Planning Methods

More effective

Less than 1 pregnancy per
100 women in one year

How to make your method more effective

Implants, IUD, female sterilization:
After procedure, little or nothing to do or remember
Vasectomy: Use another method for the first 3 months
Injectables: Get repeat injections on time
Lactational Amenorrhea Method (for 6 months): Breastfeed often, day and night
Pills: Take a pill each day
Patch, ring: Keep in place, change on time
Condoms, diaphragm: Use correctly every time you have sex
Fertility awareness methods: Abstain or use condoms on fertile days. Newest methods (Standard Days Method and TwoDay Method) may be easier to use.
Withdrawal, spermicides: Use correctly every time you have sex

Less effective

About 30 pregnancies per
100 women in one year