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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Earliest Time That a Woman Can Start a Family Planning Method After Childbirth

Family Planning Method Fully or Nearly Fully Breastfeeding Partially Breastfeeding or Not Breastfeeding
Lactational Amenorrhea Method Immediately (Not applicable)
Vasectomy Immediately or during partner's pregnancy
Male or female condoms Immediately
Copper-bearing IUD Within 48 hours, otherwise wait 4 weeks
Female sterilization Within 7 days, otherwise wait 6 weeks
Levonorgestrel IUD 4 weeks after childbirth
Diaphragm 6 weeks after childbirth
Fertility awareness methods Start when normal secretions have returned (for symptoms-based methods) or she has had 3 regular menstrual cycles (for calendar-based methods). This will be later for breastfeeding women than for women who are not breastfeeding.
Progestin-only pills 6 weeks after childbirth§ Immediately if not breastfeeding§

6 weeks after childbirth if partially breastfeeding§
Progestin-only injectables
Combined oral contraceptives 6 weeks after childbirth§ 21 days after childbirth if not breastfeeding§

6 weeks after childbirth if partially breastfeeding§
Monthly injectables
Combined patch
Combined vaginal ring

If a man has a vasectomy during the first 6 months of his partner's pregnancy, it will be effective by the time she delivers her baby.

§ Earlier use is not usually recommended unless other, more appropriate methods are not available or not acceptable.See also p. 129, Q&A 8.