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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Helping Continuing Users

IMPORTANT: No routine return visit is required until it is time to remove the implants. The client should be clearly invited to return any time she wishes, however.

  1. Ask how the client is doing with the method and whether she is satisfied. Ask if she has any questions or anything to discuss.
  2. Ask especially if she is concerned about bleeding changes. Give her any information or help that she needs (see Managing Any Problems).
  3. Ask a long-term client if she has had any new health problems since her last visit. Address problems as appropriate. For new health problems that may require switching methods.
  4. Ask a long-term client about major life changes that may affect her needs—particularly plans for having children and STI/HIV risk. Follow up as needed.
  5. If possible, weigh the client who is using Jadelle or Norplant implants. If her weight has changed enough to affect the duration of her implants' effectiveness, update her reminder card, if she has one, or give her a new reminder card with the proper date (see Question 9).
  6. If she wants to keep using implants and no new medical condition prevents it, remind her how much longer her implants will protect her from pregnancy.