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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Supporting the User

Giving Specific Instructions

Keep arm dry
  • She should keep the insertion area dry for 4 days. She can take off the elastic bandage or gauze after 2 days and the adhesive bandage after 5 days.
Expect soreness, bruising
  • After the anesthetic wears off, her arm may be sore for a few days. She also may have swelling and bruising at the insertion site. This is common and will go away without treatment.
Length of pregnancy protection
  • Discuss how to remember the date to return.
  • Give each woman the following information in writing on a reminder card, like the one shown below, if possible, and explain:
    • The type of implant she has
    • Date of insertion
    • Month and year when implants will need to be removed or replaced
    • Where to go if she has problems or questions with her implants
Have implants removed before they start to lose effectiveness
  • Return or see another provider before the implants start losing effectiveness (for removal or, if she wishes, replacement).

Sample Implant Reminder Card

"Come Back Any Time": Reasons to Return

Assure every client that she is welcome to come back any time—for example, if she has problems, questions, or wants another method; she has a major change in health status; or she thinks she might be pregnant. Also if:

  • She has pain, heat, pus, or redness at the insertion site that becomes worse or does not go away, or she sees a rod coming out.
  • She has gained a lot of weight. This may decrease the length of time her implants remain highly effective.

General health advice: Anyone who suddenly feels that something is seriously wrong with her health should immediately seek medical care from a nurse or doctor. Her contraceptive method is most likely not the cause of the condition, but she should tell the nurse or doctor what method she is using.