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Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers

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Family Planning


Removing Implants

IMPORTANT: Providers must not refuse or delay when a woman asks to have her implants removed, whatever her reason, whether it is personal or medical. All staff must understand and agree that she must not be pressured or forced to continue using implants.

Explaining the Removal Procedure

A woman needs to know what will happen during removal. The following description can help explain the procedure to her. The same removal procedure is used for all types of implants.

1. The provider uses proper infection-prevention procedures.

2. The woman receives an injection of local anesthetic under the skin of her arm to prevent pain during implant removal. This injection may sting. She stays fully awake throughout the procedure.

The health care provider makes a small incision in the skin on the inside of the upper arm, near the site of insertion
3. The health care provider makes a small incision in the skin on the inside of the upper arm, near the site of insertion.

The provider uses an instrument to pull out each implant
4. The provider uses an instrument to pull out each implant. A woman may feel tugging, slight pain, or soreness during the procedure and for a few days after.

5. The provider closes the incision with an adhesive bandage. Stitches are not needed. An elastic bandage may be placed over the adhesive bandage to apply gentle pressure for 2 or 3 days and keep down swelling.

If a woman wants new implants, they are placed above or below the site of the previous implants or in the other arm.