Chapter 4 Download Chapter
Medical Eligibility Criteria for Use of Progestin-Only Injectables
Ask the client the questions below about known medical conditions. Examinations and tests are not necessary. If she answers “no” to all of the questions, then she can start progestin-only injectables if she wants. If she answers “yes” to a question, follow the instructions; in some cases she can still start progestin-only injectables. |
1. Are you breastfeeding a baby less than 6 weeks old?
2. Do you have severe cirrhosis of the liver or severe liver tumor?
3. Do you have high blood pressure?
4. Have you had diabetes for more than 20 years or do you have damage to your arteries, vision, kidneys, or nervous system caused by diabetes?
5. Have you ever had a stroke, blood clot in your leg or lungs, heart attack, or other serious heart problems?
6. Are you having vaginal bleeding that is unusual for you?
7. Do you have or have you ever had breast cancer?
8. Do you have several conditions that could increase your chances of heart disease (coronary artery disease) or stroke, such as high blood pressure and diabetes?
Also, a woman should not use progestin-only injectables if she reports having lupus with positive (or unknown) antiphospholipid antibodies and is not on immunosuppressive treatment, or if she has severe thrombocytopenia. For complete classifications, see Appendix D – Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use. Be sure to explain the health benefits as well as the potential risks and side effects associated with the client’s chosen method. Also, point out any conditions that would make the method inadvisable for use by that particular client. |